Booklet Content

Becky is in her early 20’s and studies design full-time while working part-time at a local café. Becky worries about the future, because of this excelling at uni is very important to her.  Becky can often feel overwhelmed trying to juggle uni and her part-time job. To try and keep up with everything Becky has a constant need to feel like she is being productive. This makes it hard for her to schedule time away from her study to rejuvenate.

User profile #2
Tom 22

In his final year of his Photography degree and works part-time delivering Pizza. When he can Tom loves getting out into nature and taking photos.

For Tom the pressure of trying to keep up with the academic expectations of uni often makes him feel like he isn’t good enough. To help manage this Tom tries to keep up personal photography projects because the self-driven goal helps him feel productive and gives him a sense of self-worth. The early sunsets during winter have made it increasingly hard for Tom to find time for his personal photography. Tom feels like every bit of daylight he is either stuck at work or Uni. Tom craves time off to do the things that make him feel good.


Surprisingly while Becky is designing everyday at Uni she feels as though she has lost her individual creativity. This is because Becky feels like she no longer has the time and energy to do the creative hobbies she used to love. 


Becky needs a way to schedule time in her day for relaxation via a creative output that doesn’t make her feel guilty for taking time away from her uni work.

How might we remind/show Becky the benefits of taking a break?
How might we connect Becky with other students who have similar feelings about relaxation using creative outputs?
How might we give Becky time with other students and leverage their resourses?
How might we show Becky the her other creative skills are still important? 


In response to our user needs we think that having a casual, flexible and open space on campus where students can go to be creative away from their Uni work would help benefit students wellbeing. This space would give students a place to feel relaxed, with materials and resources to be creative in a fun and playful way.

This space will allow for students from different design disciplines to connect with each other, share their knowledge, give by donating unused materials and help each other in times of stress.

We feel that creating these connections in a relaxed environment away from class and the pressures of uni work would break down the social barriers that can be present in class situations. Which will help students find new forms of creative output.

This would include casual activities like a large chalk board for doodling, Lego for building, larges sheet of paper for collaborating, as well as other smaller activities which could continually be added to and changed, such as making stickers, colouring in and building with play dough.


This space will allow students to share knowledge time and materials. Alinging to the way to wellbeing “Give”.

Keep Learning
By allowing students to explore and learn about new creative outputs by experimenting and watching others our space will align to the way to wellbeing “Keep Learning”.  Encouraging curiosity and giving student person goals will benefit their everyday well being.

Take Notice
This space will be a relaxed space where students can take time out to rejuvenate and acknowledge the imposrtance of taking a break and doing small things that make them feel good. This will align to the way to wellbeing “Take Notice”.


This space will help students create new relationships through collaboration and participation. The space will be a supposrtive and encouraging environment which will help students make meaningfull connections which is important for realising self-worth.

Consumer research 
“I could use my time to do more things that make me feel good like drawing, making things, hanging out with friends and getting outside the comfort of my own home”

When a deadline is looming you feel? 
“Stressed! Not that I won't get it done, but will it be good enough and am I good enough” – Kaitlyn

“Terrified and inefficient because I always feel like I could be doing more” –Mathew 

Is there anything in your day to day life that you wish you spent less time doing?

“Thinking about uni work... it is just constant” – Steph

Relief Points 
• Becky enjoys what she learns in 
  her lecture.
• Becky feels productive when she
  gets some work done.   
• Becky feels relaxed when she is 
  doodling in her book, her mind is 
  taken of her work for a bit without 
  getting out taking too much time 


Pain Points 
• Becky doesn’t get enough sleep        
  because she stays up late studying.
• Becky can’t enough the time she
  has with her friends as much as  
  she would like because uni is 
  always at the back of her mind.   
• Becky feels guilty for wasting time 
  when she could be studying. 
