Prototype plans

Creative space


Activities in waiting spaces 

Guide when prototyping 

You are a student at CoCA, although you are designing everyday at uni you feel disconnected to your individual creativity.  This is because with the high demands of your uni workload and juggling other commitments you find it hard to take time out.

It is week 5 and you are feeling really stressed about getting your assignments done, you have been working on one project for hours and feel like you are going round in circles.

On your way to get some lunch you walk past the creative lab, this is on the door….

 Creative Lab
When was the last time you did something creative that wasn’t related to your uni work?

Research shows that taking time away from work scheduling time away from work can lead to a higher level of wellbeing.

Whether you’ve got five minutes or 2 hours come in to replenish enjoy some creative play.

More questions for after 

Do you have any hobbies/ extra curricular activities, if so what?

If not, did you have hobbies when you were younger 
What made you stop? 

If you have a spare 30min during the day what do you do?

Is there anything you wish you had more time for?

Is there anything specific you do to help with stress?

Is there anything you sacrifice to keep on top of your uni work?

Is there anything that you always keep a priority no matter how busy you are? 

If needed
Do you think you would use this space? Why? 

What do you think could be added into this space? 

Do you think this space would help you distress?

When do you think you would use this space? 


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