Response Dossier Text


Research shows that scheduling time away from work such as exercise, walks in nature and total absorption in a hobby that is unrelated to work can lead to a higher level of wellbeing and increase productivity.

The busy lifestyles that come hand in hand with urban living can result in many people juggling multiple commitments leaving little time for themselves.

For many students, balancing study, work, flatting and social expectations is the first time they have encountered multiple pressures leading to stress. Therefore they are still trying to figure out ways to cope with stressful situations.

This fast paced lifestyle has created a culture that is obsessed with being productive. Research shows that people who can’t step away from their work during downtime experience sleep problems, shortened attention spans, which actually lowers productivity and decreases work performance. This also results in less resilience in the face of stressful work conditions.


We are targeting creative arts students because although they are designing everyday at university they feel as though they have lost their individual creativity.
This is because with the high demands of they university workload and juggling other commitments they feel like they no longer have the time and energy to do the creative hobbies they enjoy. Many students don’t take into account that taking time out can actually make them more productive when at university can be a source of new ideas and inspiration.

POV Statements

The pressure of trying to keep up with the academic expectations of university can make students feel like they aren’t good enough. The self-driven goal of creative hobbies can help them feel productive and gives them a sense of self worth.

To try and keep up with deadlines many students have the constant need to feel like they are being productive. This makes it hard to schedule time away from their study to rejuvenate.

Big Idea

Facilitate rejuvenation and relaxation via a creative output, so that creative arts students can take time out from their study while staying on campus.


Initially we will target student of Massey Universities College of Creative arts, but this can be implemented into any creative university both nationally and internationally.

This will be through three touch points.
Before, during, after.

1.    Interactive installations situated in areas that people commonly wait around campus such as at the printers, by the lifts and in Tussock cafĂ©.
2.    An inclusive, fun and easygoing space on campus for students to relax and rejuvenate via a creative output. This space will include casual activities such as a large chalkboard, Lego, colouring and play dough to help facilitate downtime.
3.    An app that will bring awareness to their health and well being and connect students with the space. It will enable them to keep up to date with events, new activities and share their experience in the space by connecting to social media. 

This section is just a brief overview of the touch points, include small representational illustrations, possibly in a circle to indicate how it is sustainable.

Touch point 1
Details and imagery

Touch point 2
Details and imagery

Touch point 3
Details and imagery

How this links back to 5 ways of wellbeing


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